Verlyn Flieger, Ph. D. is a Professor Emerita in the Department of English at the University of Maryland at College Park where she taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Celtic, Arthurian, Native American, and Norse myth. She now teaches courses online at Signum University.
Concentrating on modern fantasy with a special focus on the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, Professor Flieger's publications include:
Green Suns and Faerie: Essays on J. R. R. Tolkien
Interrupted Music
Question of Time: J. R. R. Tolkien's Road to Faerie, the winner of the 1998 Mythopoeic Award for Inklings Studies
Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World
Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-earth co-edited with Carl Hostetter and winner of the 2002 Mythopoeic Award for Inklings Studies
Her fictional works include:
Pig Tale
The Inn at Corbies' Caww
"Avilion: A Romance of Voices" in The Doom of Camelot
"Green Hill Country" in Seeker of Dreams--------------------
Professor Flieger is co-editor with Michael D. C. Drout and David Bratman of Tolkien Studies, a yearly journal devoted to scholarly examination of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien.
Prof. Flieger is a recognized public speaker and lecturer, appearing in several films and videos and participating in numerous conferences including:Annual Mythopoeic Conferences
Conference on Medievalism
Conference on Utopian Studies
Finlandia Foundation Embassy of Finland
International Conference on Wales and the Welsh
International Conference on Medievalism
International Conference on Medievalism
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
International Conference on Utopian Studies, University of Reggio
International Congress on Medieval Studies
International Medieval Congress - Tolkien's Uncanonicity Panel
International Tolkien Symposium, Aachen
The Lord of the Rings, 1954-2004, Marquette University
MLA Conferences
Mythic Journeys
Mythology Conference: New World Edens
Mythopoeic Conference and Tolkien Retrospective, Marquette University,
NEH Tolkien Institute, Texas A&M University
Mythopoeic Conferences, Various Locations, USA.
Northern Tolkien Festival, Oslo
Philological Association of the Carolinas
Popular Culture Convention, Various Locations, USA.
Smithsonian Resident Associates Lectures
Society for Utopian Studies, St. Louis
Third Northern Tolkien Festival, Stockholm
Tolkien 2005, Aston University, Birmingham
Tolkien Centenary Conference, Oxford University, Oxford
Tolkien Conference, Marquette University, Milwaukee
Tolkien Phenomenon Conference, University of Turku
Wisconsin Conference on Fantasy and Science Fiction, MadisonContact Prof. Flieger to arrange a speaking engagement for your organization.
Educational Background:
Ph.D. 1977 Catholic University English Literature
M.A. 1972 Catholic University English Literature
B.A. 1955 George Washington University English Literature
Employment Background:
2012 Professor Emerita, Depeartment of English, University of Maryland, College Park
1998 Full Professor, Depeartment of English, University of Maryland, College Park
1984-97 Associate Professor, Depeartment of English, University of Maryland, College Park
1978-84 Assistant Professor, Depeartment of English, University of Maryland, College Park
1977-78 Lecturer in English, Depeartment of English, University of Maryland, College Park
1976-77 Instructor in English, Depeartment of English, University of Maryland, College Park
1971-76 Graduate Assistant in English, Depeartment of English, Catholic University
1965-66 Instructor in English, Brazilian-American Cultural Institute.